Monday, August 18, 2014

Pegboard Ampersand

I had a blast making these Ampersand pegboard which will be selling soon @ and @
This Ampersand was my first one which I will keep but definitely made some updates and improvements to make them even cuter!!!

Check them out!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Book Exchange

Yesterday I received a letter from a family member and after thinking about it for a day, I concluded that it would be a fun activity to participate in.  The original form I received required me to make copies and mail to 6 other mommy friends and since some families may not have a copy machine or scanner available, I decided to rewrite the faded and missing words from the obviously been copied 200 times letter and make it available on the web to print out anytime.  In a couple weeks, I'll update my experience.  

These were some good tips I have read and thought I would share to make the whole experience fun without feeling pressured to do so.

1.  Contact your friends and ask before sending them an invite to the exchange
Not everyone gets giddy with excitement when receiving a chain letter.  The idea of participating   in a kids book exchange may be overwhelming to many moms, and you don't want to put them in an awkward position if they can't do it.  Try to call, text, or email your friends to ask their permission to send the letter to them.  If they don't want to participate, or don't have the time, tell them not to feel bad!  Contacting them ahead of time is a considerate way to invite them to be involved without making them feel forced.

2.  Make use of Amazon or other web-based book services
I mailed the book directly off to the little girl in the #1 slot within a few minutes of receiving the invite from my friend.  Amazon saves the day!  I didn't have to go to the store to pick out a book, and I didn't have to stand in line at the post office.  By using my Amazon Prime account, I didn't even have to pay shipping.  It made this whole book exchange almost way too easy.

3.  Send a new and exciting book that the family is less likely to own already.
This means to pretty much exclude all Dr. Suess and Sandra Boynton books from your shopping list.  Try to think of a book that is a family favorite in your house, and have fun sharing it with another family.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


My sweet daughter turned one and as much fun it was planning/organizing for a venue 300 miles away from me, I am glad it is all over.  I'm moving on to others exciting things like planning our first snow trip to Mammoth, building my etsy shop and potty training my daughter.  Yikes!

Thank you everyone for coming and celebrating Charlotte's first birthday with us.  
 She is truely blessed to have so much love.  

Just thought I'll share some pictures.  

Charlotte's birthday invitations were designed on illustrator and printed at home.  I love being able to add all the details that I want without breaking the bank.   I added whimical details not only to the invitation but to the envelopes as well.   

There's something personable and thoughtful about the whole process of receiving a hand delivered mail.  To see in the mist of all the junk mails and bill statements, a letter/invitation personally made out to you with love.

I bought these succulents at Walmart when it was on sale for 50% off.  After making the flower arrangement I watered them everyday till her birthday party.  I initially also wanted a real succulent wreath hanging, but decided on a more ecomonical route and made a paper wreath instead.  The wood slabs are from my neighbors tree when he was cutting them down for safety reason.   I also bought 7 yards of fabric to create the backdrop.

These succulents were individually wrapped with burlap fabric and placed as centerpieces as well as favors for the guest to take home.  They can plant them and watch them grow as our little Charlotte also grows.

picture taken by Michelle Kim komo
picture taken by Michelle Kim komo
picture taken by Michelle Kim komo
picture taken by Michelle Kim komo

In korean traditions, first birthdays are celebrated with a ceremony that blesses the child with a prosperous future.  Charlotte wore her hanbok and her traditional hairpiece that I made into a headband and she knew right away what object she wanted.  She picked up the string which has the meaning of long life.  Her 100 year old great grandmother who was sitting right in front was pleased to see her choice.  

picture taken by Michelle Kim komo

This cute porcupine color pencil holder was bought in London as Charlotte's aunt Michelle was traveling Europe.  

Who needs an expensive guestbook when I can print a custom guest sign in sheet.  

These bookmarks where placed on each napkin as a seating chart for the guest.  I thought it would be creative to make them useful even after the event.  

woot woot

We hired a bubblogist and the kids all loved the show and the activities they got to play. 

The restaurant emailed me the lunch menu so I also designed and printed out menus that was placed inside the napkins.  

I also made these woodland animal paper masks for the guest to wear and take their family photos with.   Hope they are excited to see these fun pictures.   Photo of the Cheung Family. 

The Park Family

Charlotte and her many friends

Charlotte and her cousin Nathan. 

I started an instagram and an Etsy shop.  Follow me there where I post things I have made, bought, saw and sell.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Never got the chance to share this...  
Documenting my pregnancy was a fun little project.  Instead of taking a picture very week, I just documented the prime numbered weeks.  Thanks husband for bearing with me during my pregnancy.  

Friday, April 26, 2013

Chalk up your jars!!!

These were SUPER easy to make and looks great in your spice cabinet.  I usually fill mine with walnuts, pecans, peanuts and almonds.  I bought the chalk contact paper on amazon, here.  Happy Friday!!!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Rock a bye baby, please go to sleep

Raising little ones is definitely a challenge, what took 5 minutes now takes 45 minutes, so parents need their well-deserved sleep.  The challenge is to remind yourself to resist the short-term solutions at long-term expenses.  In a nutshell, consistent sleep routine leads to happier, more responsible, and better-adjusted children. I do believe and agree that some crying is natural and healthy for babies.  I've notice that Charlotte has three different types of cries: whining, crying, and whaling.  Whining is the best sign that she's tired and trying her best to soothe herself to sleep.  I usually leave her alone.  Crying is where I had to resist myself from holding my child.  I would check in every 5, 10 and then 15 min.  I never touched her during this stressful time, since that only seem to tease her.  I did however let her know I would be nearby and quickly left her room.  After 30 minutes, if my child was still crying she was most likely at the whaling stage.  Thats when I call it a day and picked her up, told her how great she did and that we'll try again tomorrow.  This is where I was different from the book.  The "crying it out" method can be benifical but "whaling it out" was too much.  Honestly, Charlotte was such a good sport that she didn't cry for more than 10-15 min. and only "whaled" cried once on the first day of sleep training.  

These were the two books that I read during my pregnancy to guide me for whats to come.  The first book, "The Sleep Easy Solution" by Jennifer Waldburger and Jill Spivack was given to me as a gift from my friend Jennifer Conlon who had twins.  This book gives you step by step examples and really educates you in all the different sleeping challenges your child may have till the age of 5.  The program takes 5 days and asks to drop an 1 oz/day but since Charlotte was starting early instead of the recommended 5 months, I decided to design a custom schedule that fit my daughter at 2.5 months.  The second book, "Bringing up Bebe" by Pamela Druckerman was a book that challenged and inspired me.  Druckerman decides to raise her family in France and discovers that French parents have their little ones sleeping through the night at two or three months old while those of her American friends take a year or more. French kids eat well-rounded meals that are more likely to include braised leeks than chicken nuggets. And while her American friends spend their visits resolving spats between their kids, her French friends sip coffee while the kids play.  I am convinced that children are educated and taught to be well behaved and the first step to successfully accomplishing that was to discipline myself with consistency, boundaries, and love.  Still working on that... 

I've attached my sleep and feed schedule that I've made for my  daughter Charlotte. I'm currently breastfeeding her and I've heard that breast milk is easily digested than formula milk, hence the baby will get hungry quicker.  So for her 7:00 pm feeding before bedtime, I would mix half breast milk and the other half formula.  My logic to that if any was... full baby = happy baby = sleeping baby. 

Charlotte's bedtime check list

1.  Bathe her
2.  Feed her in the dark (formula and breast milk)
3.  Sleep her in crib

Please note that what worked for me may not work for you.  I read these book as a guide and used what I felt was age-appropriate for my 2.5 month daughter.  Hope this helps out a little or at least have assurance that you are doing a fabulous job. The mere fact that you would take the time to read this blog shows that you care and that's what really counts.  Good Luck!!!