Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Book Exchange

Yesterday I received a letter from a family member and after thinking about it for a day, I concluded that it would be a fun activity to participate in.  The original form I received required me to make copies and mail to 6 other mommy friends and since some families may not have a copy machine or scanner available, I decided to rewrite the faded and missing words from the obviously been copied 200 times letter and make it available on the web to print out anytime.  In a couple weeks, I'll update my experience.  

These were some good tips I have read and thought I would share to make the whole experience fun without feeling pressured to do so.

1.  Contact your friends and ask before sending them an invite to the exchange
Not everyone gets giddy with excitement when receiving a chain letter.  The idea of participating   in a kids book exchange may be overwhelming to many moms, and you don't want to put them in an awkward position if they can't do it.  Try to call, text, or email your friends to ask their permission to send the letter to them.  If they don't want to participate, or don't have the time, tell them not to feel bad!  Contacting them ahead of time is a considerate way to invite them to be involved without making them feel forced.

2.  Make use of Amazon or other web-based book services
I mailed the book directly off to the little girl in the #1 slot within a few minutes of receiving the invite from my friend.  Amazon saves the day!  I didn't have to go to the store to pick out a book, and I didn't have to stand in line at the post office.  By using my Amazon Prime account, I didn't even have to pay shipping.  It made this whole book exchange almost way too easy.

3.  Send a new and exciting book that the family is less likely to own already.
This means to pretty much exclude all Dr. Suess and Sandra Boynton books from your shopping list.  Try to think of a book that is a family favorite in your house, and have fun sharing it with another family.

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